SIlent letters

There are a lot of silent letters in English. I was close to say too many but list of those is not very long. Whole list you can find at many places on the Internet. I found this one. I have noticed that Russian speaking people have a specific accent Read more…

Memory and reading

Last week I learnt 2 things: Most people don’t know how to write there/their/theirs/there’s their’s in a right way If you going to remember something after reading you should stop every paragraph, remember main points and realize these points. First thing is easy to understand. Therese very similar pronunciation for Read more…

dotfiles repository

Since I started using vim, I’ve found that too many software developers store their configuration files at github. It really awesome. Last year I wrote a post at habrahabr (russian) how do I synchronize settings around multiple PCs or in other words my bootstrap procedure for new PC. It wasn’t Read more…

The most powerful skill

My friend suggests me reading Hacker News instead of Russian speaking IT community And he is right because it’s a great source of useful information. Today evening I read that If you don’t finish then you’re just busy, not productive And that’s amazing. It’s all about concentration. Focusing and attention. Have you Read more…

Powershell mininotes

Since I try to put a my day-to-day powershell tools and snippets, which I find at the internet or created for self some day. I have some advice of using console at all and which is useful too, and I’ll make couple of posts about my environment too. I’m a Read more…


Today is a day when I ask myself “why did you miss too many times when you can post you notes?” and answer is I don’t know!) Couple weeks ago while I was coming home from gym, I wrote a note about my struggling choosing gym. The reason why I Read more…

Passive income

I’ve just read about passive income on Hacker News. These guys who do nothing and get their bread and butter, extremely clever and smart. All that about index funds, howto websites. How much time you should spend to achieve same result? Week?  Month?  Year? Indeed it is the thing which must Read more…